Friday, 19 June 2009

No blog, no posting

My apologies for not posting for the paste few days. Missed my thursday post, too.
My blog has been under attack. I cannot even open it!
I so detest useless spammers! I feel like wearing high hills and crushing them with my heels!
(Would post red stilettos if Blogger'd let me, but you get the picture!)
Will get back mightier, guys!


annechovie said...

So sorry to hear that Irene! How frustrating. Thank you so much for your sweet comment! God bless!

Anonymous said...

Miss your posts hope you come back soon!! So sorry to hear about your blog :(

Anonymous said...

Oh that's awful! I can't believe they can shut you down like that. Why can't people turn that energy into something productive? They're obviously smart. It's such a weird world. I feel your pain and want to help with my high heels too!

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