Antwerpen Zoo is everything you've dreamed of about wild animals and the big jungle, all gathered in an accessible, safe and romantic place.
The Anwerpen Zoo, established in 1843, is the kind of establishemnt the glorious Victorian era handed down to us. Iconic, eclectic, and adorably old-fashioned.
We spent an entire day at the Zoo and I can say with convinction that I'd love to learn everything I can about all the lovely creatures that it hosts.
We were all amazed by the beauty and variety of all of Nature, animals and plants.
The girls were pouring over their maps, making choices about what creature we were going to visit next.
The gardens are wonderful, blooming with all kinds of colour combinations, providing quiet little spots whre one can stop, sit, relax and contemplate.
Spring has clearly sprung in the North of Europe!
These two ladies peeking behind the wall, are so elegant!
I had never seen giraffes before and I was completely smitten!
The Aquarium housed in the Antwerpen Zoo is absolutely fantastic.There is somethning seductive about this place that has all the modern facilities but respects the spirit of the original zoo.
This elderly gentleman was so absorbed by the underwater creatures. He was watching and filming them.
Yes, one can film and take photos and there are no people bossing you around.
God's beauty free to be admired and shared.
Those people who established the Zoo and those that are now running it, must have a huge respect for Nature and for their visitors.
Talking of visitors. There were so many people, young and old strolling around, and schools with happy people learning where learning should take place: out in the open air.
So many beautiful, unique, magnificent creatures that God has created for His beautiful, perfect heaven of Earth.
For a look at the very interesting activities they have to offer, visit the Antwerpen Zoo website.

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