Sunday 9 June 2013

Blogging in the early hours

If I could locate my i-phone I could Instagram and post for you what my dining table looks like right now. You'll have to imagine it, right?


There's an empty carton of chocolate ice-cream that I have been working through this past week.
There is a glass of Perrier which was filled twice with Coca-Cola -straight, not light or zero-. And a pile of the Sunday papers that I'll be nibbling on.
It's early Sunday and I know I should be sleeping. But after the excitement of an entire day trying to pull back our home into shape, I really need a "me" time and this is the only day and hour I can get it.

Tomorrow our youngest hosts a graduation party. Bye-Bye Primary School!
I look forward to it. Remember his birthday party in December? I hope this one is equally fun!

Enjoy the Weekend,
love, Irene

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