Thursday 19 December 2013

Some thoughts on this year's Christmas

  "The funny thing about life is that sometimes we feel as though we might die of sadness yet we keep on taking in air and find a way to carve out happiness in spite of it all.    I’m certain that those of you who live far from your family or have lost loved ones are nodding your heads right now.

Because not only do we have to keep inhaling and exhaling but if we take time to really think about it, we realize that these moments are the ones that our children, and the new friends we gather with, will remember.  I believe that the best thing we can do when we feel so far away is to embrace the happiness before us.   I have stopped trying to make Christmas away from my family feel easier to digest and have simply accepted it, allowing myself the time I need to grieve.  Then I throw all of my energy into re-creating as many traditions as possible for my children and celebrating all of the good things that life has given us".

Ciao Domenica

This passage from Tina of Traveling Mama speaks volumes to me this Christmas.
Let's look at the bright side of life and rejoice in all that really matters.

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