My all time favorite is Point de Vue. I have been reading Point de Vue since I was a child. My mum used to get Point de Vue-Images du Monde for the patterns of gowns she would copy.
Then I was selling the gowns to my dolls from the top of my bed, using Point de Vue as a catalogue.
I do not subscribe to any French mags because they are readily available at the international newsagents. But this year I made an exception. I subscribed to Atmospheres, a quite inclusive magazine that I could not find at the newsagents although I had asked them to order it for me. Apparently it doesn't get send to Greece, so I did take the plunge and subscribed to it. The first issue arrived last week. Here are some pics:

Oh! Here is one of them!

6 espressos
500g de glasse au chocolat noir (bitter chocolate ice-cream)
500g de glace au chocolat blanc (white chocolate ice cream)
Copeaux de chocolat (chocolate chips)
If you want to do the ice cream yourself, here is the recipe:
Pour faire la glace soi-meme (par parfum)
6 jaunes d' eoeufs
200g de sucre
1/2 l de lait
300ml de creme fraiche
100g de chocolat
Melangez les jaunes et le sucre jusqu'a ce que la preparassion blancisse. Faites chaufer le lait avec le chocolat et versez sur le melange oeuf-sucre. Remettez le tout sur le feu et tournez constamment avec une cuillere a bois jusqu'a ce que la preparassion epaississe et nappe la cuillere, mais en veillant a ne pas faire bouillir. Retirez du feu et ajoutez la creme fraiche. Tournez et melangez. Laissez refroidir, puis mettez a turbiner dans une machine a glace.
Au moment de servir, versez un espresso dans une verine ou en verre bodega. Dressez immediatement avec une boule de glace au chocolat noir et une de glasse au chocolat blanc. Decorez avec des copeaux de chocolat.
Now take your favorite new mag, and enjoy!

I enjoyed sharing this with you. Did you? Oh and by the way, does anyone know how I can put the accents when writing french?
Now take your favorite new mag, and enjoy!

I enjoyed sharing this with you. Did you? Oh and by the way, does anyone know how I can put the accents when writing french?
(You may click on the images to view larger)
1 comment:
Typing French accents on a Pc is here:
I am too lazy most of the time and cut and paste or do rien de tout :)
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