Do stop by All Things Bright and Beautiful today, to read an interview with Domino mag's editor-in-chief Deborah Needleman. Although I have had a strong disagreement with an interview I read some time ago (not everyone likes all-white minimalism, and why should one person's taste be deemed chic-or not, after all?), she gives some interesting answers to the questions her host asks.
Two interesting points I would like to bring up magazine-wise:
a) A new feature called "My Deco File" "will allow you to store and organize all those gazillions of tear sheets you’ve ripped out of magazines over the years that you’ve been meaning to file.You’ll be able to pull pictures from our website, from any other website, upload images from your phone or computer, and you can tag the images and organize them however you want--by room or color or whatever. You can also share your files with whomever you want --everyone, no one, or just your decorator or best friend. It’ll launch on www.dominomag.com sometime this summer"
which sounds useful and handy, and
b)Next October will see the launch of Domino: The Book of Decorating: A room-by-room guide to creating a home that makes you happy
I really liked reading this! Domino has ceased its publication in Greece (so my collection is a real collection, now!). It will be nice to have a little Domino inspiration on my bookshelves.
When asked about her style predictions for the coming year, Ms. Needleman answered:
"I think people will be following their own instincts and preferences more, rather than being influenced by any particular trend; I think there will be more creative reuse or re-purposing of existing pieces, rather than tossing things and buying new; and also much more targeted spending on luxury items.In other words, I see a trend toward the things in our homes having meaning or significance to us, and their being there for a reason, and perhaps having fewer, but more special things".
That is something to be expected to a great extend. There is so much uncertainty around, so much fear from one side of the globe to the other, that people turn inwards to the safety of family and hub. Unemployment, ravaging illness, media produced crisis after crisis, oil and food crisis, and of course war raging across the globe, ruining people's lives and souls, you name it. Where is one to turn for comfort but to traditional homemaking and the home comforts of cooking, crocheting and gardening?
As the Greeks said, there is no evil without some good, so where is it, in this case?The first thing that comes to mind is neglecting raging consumerism. I, for one, have had enough of the plastic. No more!

Second, think of all those crafts that are being revived thanks to people like Amanda/Soulemama and her The Creative Family: How to Encourage Imagination and Nurture Family Connections
Those ladies have taken homemaking to a new level and brought it up to date, freeing women from the guilt associated to becoming homemakers.
Think also of all those little treasures that would end up in the rubbish bin: from fabrics to furniture, our post-industrial heritage. But that's another discussion. Go ahead and enjoy our times!
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