Saturday, 19 September 2009

This week I found...

Time to start again my weekly "Found" column! Here is what I found this week:

A great tutorial with pictures by the graceful Lauren at Pure Style Home on how to arrange your accessories. Here is an appetiser:

How to Arrange Bookshelves:

1. Decide how you want your shelves to feel: formal, perfectly placed or casual & “undesigned.”

2. Start at the most prominent spot and work your way up and down or out, keeping things balanced as you go

3. Take a digital photo and review the finished shelf, then go back and fix any trouble areas4. Switch it up & have fun whenever the mood strikes you!!! This is what keeps our homes fresh & beautiful.

Read more here and here.

Photography that made me dream by Skippy Designs through S*hop Talk.

The Vintage Magpie turns a dream come true by opening her own country shop in sweet Devon.(I hugely miss the English countryside).
Bon Weekend!

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