Saturday, 1 October 2011

8ber1st ε>ε>

Hi there!
It is a bright new month over here. 
I love October.
Nice and round. 
Greeted by a bright new template for yours trully. Can't say I don't keep you visually excited! Stripes and flags cause we have a national holiday coming on October 28th.
Ahh! I like this quote by a Christian Saint:
"A life without feasts is a long road without an inn".
Ain't that nice?

lovely artwork by sarah jane studios

I am listening to The Beatles right now.
Nice and upbeat. Can't beat the classics.

It's a sunny and slightly fresh day.
I love autumn days.

 We got a new kids bed just in at the shop.
It's part of a new line of furniture the company has released.
Let's keep our fingers crossed that there will be people buying it.
 Or anything we sell, really ;)
Last night D and I had a long talk that got us to the early hours. It is so good to have siblings that love you. They are growing and I love it.
For this afternoon we hope to watch a movie on dvd and the girls decided to have me colour my hair. "We will love you whatever you look like", D said, "but you mustn't let yourself go. You need to look polished at the shop, and this is not America, mom. You can't have gray hair and expect to look professional".
Love the isnight of my 14-soon to be 15- year old.
I have been horsing around old blogs and looking at photos and felt like the good old times were popping up.
And then there is talk of me getting back to Scouting. I believe in the educational and recreational potential of Scouting and I look forward to getting active.

I hope your October is cheerful and happy and thankful.

Thank You

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends. "
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
love, Irene


LindyLouMac said...

Ciao Irene, a lovely positive post to go with the great new look for you as well as the blog it seems if your daughters are in charge.

I Dream Of said...

Thanks so much for popping by this weekend, Irene. So nice to see your comment. I Love the Sarah James Studio art in this post.

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita said...

I love the new blog look - it is so cheerful! Keep up the positive outlook - it can only help! And of course, our Greek school children here learn all about Oxi Day!

Pink Princess said...

Hello, the new look is great! And I love how positive your posts are. Its very inspiring! Keep it up..

Best buys