Tuesday, 2 October 2012

DownEast and Artwork from Maine

This afternoon I visited Soulemama , one my favorite blogs ever. Amanda was writing about their family vacation in her family's land DownEast. Where is that magic place, I wondered, and landed on this site, publishing a magazine which I hope to explore.

Oh yes, Maine! How I love this part of the world.
It is also home to another favorite blogger.
Tamar also makes some enchanting jewellery that i love.
Plus, she writes beautifully, lives in a magical house, and takes some lovely pictures.
Here, take a look:

 I love this street.

Imagine the perfume coming from those beautiful apples living on that tree!

{lovely horizon}

Then i found this beautiful artwork.

What a lovely house

and garden!

I love lighthouses!

My purpose in painting is to represent God's creative work beautifully, accurately, and respectfully. -Beth Whitney.
How beautifully she credits the true Creator!

All artwork Ms. Beth Whitney.
See more of her beautiful work here.

Oh yes, this afternoon offered me travel, beauty and warmth.
Thank you, God for your Creation, for bloggers and The Internet!

love, Irene

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Maine is truly lovely! We went last year for the first time and loved it. I took so many photographs, I made a photobook. And my koumbara goes twice a year.

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