Peace is a state of the Soul.
Man explores different ways to find it. Science, philosophy, meditation, sports, are ways to achieve understanding of a higher cause, a higher purpose and therefore a higherstate of existence that some call God.
However, this truth is deeper that human experience. Peace can be achieved not through man but through God.
It is God who reaches out to Man, and all man has to do is grab His hand and follow Him.
Yes, it is as simple as that, and i sincerely wish to all, this Christmas and always, Peace.
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1 comment:
Ειρήνη μου,
θέλω να σου ευχηθώ Χρόνια Πολλά, Καλά Χριστούγεννα
με ειρήνη (μέσα κι έξω), υγεία και ευτυχία
Με πολύ αγάπη
η φίλη σου Ντέμη
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