Thursday 1 May 2014

Some thoughts on blogging

One friend said on Facebook the other day, that she misses the time blogging was innocent and from the heart. And another  favorite blogger of mine also had a story on blogging to share.

I would like to know what you think.

I have been blogging since 2006, and I must say I have had my ups and downs, like every other blogger.
At first, before Pinterest came along, I used this blog to document my design inspiration, and had another blog where I shared about family and life.

Then I began blogging here about my work. The Google Friends thingy was introduced, and the pressure to have more "Friends" made people optimise, secookie-cut posts and the magic of sharing from the heart began to evaporate.
Then,  as the FB friend mentioned, the pressure to monetise our blogs mounted. Sure, I appreciate an ad or a review offer, which more often I decline than I accept, unless I can test the product and have a safe opinion to suggest to my readers.

It is true that I do miss those days of spontaneous writing, when I'd share honest posts, with real meaning, with friends that would pop over to ask how I was doing, if I missed a week of posting (and I often didn't, because I wanted them to know I was OK).
This explains why this blog that stayed with me after I decided to keep this "design" one over my family one, doesn't see my writing more often.

There are still quite a few bloggers left who share from the heart and don't have a team to write for them pretending to be them. Guest blogging is welcome, but don't tell me it's your blog: it's a magazine, a business, otherwise it's a cheat. I love on line magazines like Matchbook and Lonny, but they are honest with me and tell me they are magazines written by a team, making a profit. I wouldn't blame Vogue for that!

So, where am I with blogging?
Call me a romantic, but I shall continue to write from the heart, picking and showing what I like, what I think you'll like.
Non-intrusive ads on my sidebar will appear, and honest businesses who are interested in my reviewing their product will be welcome, too.
As far as I am concerned, I shall let you know when this or another blog of mine ever becomes a profession.

In the meantime, let us enjoy each other's honest company.



1 comment:


Nice post! It does seem we jump on the social media merry-go-round and miss the simple pleasures of sharing.

Best buys