Friday 30 May 2008

Live on the web

Blogging is quite wierd as it is. Spilling the beans out in the open, unknown universe. Not knowing who reads your thoughts, and if they do read them, if they read what you meant to say. So, as if this weren't enough, I popped in this morning and checked Anna-Maria Horner's page, one of the brightest, happiest places to be on a hot 38C May day.

And there she was, once you clicked on that link, flesh and blood, speaking fast and lively about fabrics and kids, works and dreams. Not to be missed!


Anonymous said...

I read your thoughts! ;-)

And I love Horner's work. Thanks for the link.

My Notting Hill said...

Love your blog - I'm having fun going through it for the first time. Thanks for the link to this blog - love all the color.

Best buys